JLP CAREs Impact

Every dollar raised for JLP CAREs supports the mission of Junior League of Portland.  Some of the ways your contribution impacts our community include:

$25 covers the cost for a family in our Between the Lines program – to enhance literacy and strengthen the connection between parent and child when separated due to incarceration.

$50 covers the cost of providing undergarments to two recently rescued survivors of human trafficking since their undergarments are generally needed as evidence in criminal cases.

$100 feeds 15-20 families at one of our Ronald McDonald House dinners – providing nourishment and support to families caring for sick children.

$300 allows us to provide supplies for three “Kids in the Kitchen” events – through our Healthy Habits, Healthy Kids program – offered at local elementary schools.

$500 allows us to fulfill one local non-profit partner’s wish list item which helps them to better serve their clients and Portland communities.

$1000 pays for one member to travel to national leadership training conferences where she will learn about setting up community programs, expanding development opportunities, and non-profit leadership skills.

$2000 allows us to support five area non-profit partners who positively impact the education, safety and health of women, children and families.

$5000 allows us to coordinate local leadership training opportunities for our entire membership of 300+ active members.